Friday, January 21, 2011

step stool

January 21, 2011

I can't get used to the date, among other tings it takes me a long time to transition, yearly.   I had just start to get used to '10.  OY!

So anyway, Sunday, after I felt better, my fever was gone, I get it into my head to go buy a step stool. So I can reach the second shelf in the kitchen cabinet (s). It only took me eleven years to buy it.

You would think I was searching for gold.  It was hard to find what I wanted, and 2 something that didn't cost an arm and a leg.  Anyway,  first, I go to Grand Metro or some shit like that...
and I was surprised that they didn't have anything I liked and it was out of my price range.  Which then I realized, I had to go to the bank, so I could pay for the dang thing.  So then I decide to go to the pathetic on on my aunt's block, because I'm getting tired of searching.  Naturally, they had to order something.  I walked out thinking, okay let me try Ace Hardware, which is about 4 or 5 blocks away.  Jackpot!!!! A 2-step stool for under 30 dollars.

While there, I also got some porcelain dishes, because I have decided to stop using plastic.  They rock! And there is a little dish for my olive pits.  I love olives.  I also got this thing that you attach to your soda can, to make it a bottle.  A must for me, cuz I spill a lot.  Just yesterday, my co-worked threw the label tape on my desk, and I am at the computer, and jump a foot, spilling orange HI-C all over my self.

So anyway, back to the stool, I hope I don't fall off!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

where is it?

January 19' 2011


I hadn't got back, to the blog because I thought I lost it!  I am always losing things, and it's got to be inherited along with my learning disabilities...can't keep a thought in my head, to go from my desk to the file room, if I miraculously can find my i.d. better known in my world, as the "clicker" because the door clicks when it lets me in...except when it doesn't and I have stand there like an ass, and everyone on the floor can hear because I have the keep swiping it near the "dot".  At least, I don't go for my first instinct...which is a distinctly, un-lady-like urge to curse! 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010



Chronic dropsies all day long!

If it's gloves, can't just drop them once, but a zillion times.  That is why I buy gloves that match...and socks that match.  Cuz one is always in the drawer, and the friend is in the hamper (if I'm lucky!)  I've been working on that.  We shall say it's  a life-long struggle.

The only thing I never drop of course, is children.  Which I love, but have decided that I am to distracted a per son for was real sad learning that...but then I let it wouldn't be fair to the child.

People, my co-worker "A" says you should be a tester for electronics.  I'm thinking about it.