Friday, January 21, 2011

step stool

January 21, 2011

I can't get used to the date, among other tings it takes me a long time to transition, yearly.   I had just start to get used to '10.  OY!

So anyway, Sunday, after I felt better, my fever was gone, I get it into my head to go buy a step stool. So I can reach the second shelf in the kitchen cabinet (s). It only took me eleven years to buy it.

You would think I was searching for gold.  It was hard to find what I wanted, and 2 something that didn't cost an arm and a leg.  Anyway,  first, I go to Grand Metro or some shit like that...
and I was surprised that they didn't have anything I liked and it was out of my price range.  Which then I realized, I had to go to the bank, so I could pay for the dang thing.  So then I decide to go to the pathetic on on my aunt's block, because I'm getting tired of searching.  Naturally, they had to order something.  I walked out thinking, okay let me try Ace Hardware, which is about 4 or 5 blocks away.  Jackpot!!!! A 2-step stool for under 30 dollars.

While there, I also got some porcelain dishes, because I have decided to stop using plastic.  They rock! And there is a little dish for my olive pits.  I love olives.  I also got this thing that you attach to your soda can, to make it a bottle.  A must for me, cuz I spill a lot.  Just yesterday, my co-worked threw the label tape on my desk, and I am at the computer, and jump a foot, spilling orange HI-C all over my self.

So anyway, back to the stool, I hope I don't fall off!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

where is it?

January 19' 2011


I hadn't got back, to the blog because I thought I lost it!  I am always losing things, and it's got to be inherited along with my learning disabilities...can't keep a thought in my head, to go from my desk to the file room, if I miraculously can find my i.d. better known in my world, as the "clicker" because the door clicks when it lets me in...except when it doesn't and I have stand there like an ass, and everyone on the floor can hear because I have the keep swiping it near the "dot".  At least, I don't go for my first instinct...which is a distinctly, un-lady-like urge to curse!